Clean Orbit Foundation

Building the Foundations for Space Sustainability

The Growing Problem

Whether you know it or not, our daily lives are heavily powered by the services in space. Our presence is continuing to grow rapidly in orbit, and we are expecting tens of thousands of new satellites and payloads to launch over the coming decade. As we continue to do this, orbit continues to become more congested with satellites, debris, defunct rocket bodies, and much more. 

The commercial sector is rapidly outpacing policy and regulations at a domestic and international level. What makes space a unique domain compared to those down on Earth is the fact that there are no borders in space – it is considered a global resource. Unfortunately, this makes international politics very difficult and complex to create. As it stands, the policies, treaties, and regulations that we have today at an international level are considered voluntary at best. With the space economy projected to continue growing exponentially, something needs to change. 

The Clean Orbit Foundation is here to be a global platform for generating more awareness for the threats we face in orbit while also advocating for more sustainable standards and best practices. We aim to help unify international stakeholders from commercial, government, academia, non-profits, NGOs, research institutions, etc., and advocate for change that can help put us on a safer and more sustainable path for the future of all space activities.  

Our Mission & Vision


The Clean Orbit Foundation (COF) aims to educate the world about space debris, advocate for space sustainability, and instill sustainable best practices for our orbital environment. We are committed to helping accelerate the development of policies, technologies, and best practices by collaborating with key stakeholders in industry and government to ensure a sustainable orbital environment for the future.


To be a global leader in creating a sustainable future in orbit. The Clean Orbit Foundation envisions a society where collaboration, innovation, and education converge to create a harmonious orbital environment. We strive to be the catalyst for global unity in tackling space debris, ensuring the peaceful and responsible use of space, and inspiring future generations. Our vision is to pioneer a path toward a cleaner, more sustainable orbit for the benefit of humanity and the space economy.

Quick Statistics

Stats from - All debris statistics are estimates* (Updated as of December 2023)


Satellites launched to date


Satellites still in orbit


Satellites still active


Debris >10cm in Size


Debris 1-10cm in Size


Debris <1cm in Size


Whether you have a question, comment, idea, or even general inquiry, please feel free to reach out to us!

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